Friday, July 11, 2008

On A Roll (Jen)

So, ALOT has happened since we last posted. My insurance wanted 5 years of weights,  and my doctors letter of approval. Easy cheesy! We got that in and then my nurse rep from the insurance calls and is like we need 6 months diet, and a psychology evaluation (which your doc requires any ways to see if you are ready/mentally stable for surgery).  Thank goodness we had been trying Jenny Craig so my doc went off those weights for the 6 month info. I passed the psych eval and met with the surgeon the same day. His office then faxed all the info over. Three days later I get a call... "Your surgery is covered!" 

On to the next phase. The surgeons office needs all this crap done which I thought was going to take longer but in one day at the docs office I got my surgery clearance letter, an EKG, and a chest Xray. Two days later I got the blood work done.  About 3 days after that my doc faxes all the results over and the surgeons office calls me to set a date. I must say it has gone amazingly smooth so I am very happy.

I have chosen Aug. 6th for my surgery date. Before then I will be seeing the surgeon for a last exam, going to a nutrition class, and then the big day arrives. I am very excited, yet I get freeked out sometimes. This is something I have been wanting though so I am glad it has all been approved and is only a month away. I will be at Flagler hospital in St. Augustine.  It's a pretty nice looking room. Like a Disney hotel! And the hotel we get to stay in for the few days we are there too is nice. So, too bad I will be drugged up LOL Anyways if all goes well they should release me on the 8th of August to come home.

Oh, let me also mention the joyful diet I get to do 2 weeks before hand. It's protein shakes and yogurt and fruit and maybe a little chicken or fish for dinner. Joy! But hey it helps shrink your liver for surgery and drop a few pounds before going in, which can only help you in the long run.

Well, I will be shopping for the necessities this month for what I need to take with me and getting my protein powders and what not. So that is what I will be up to until then. Hope that has updated you all! 

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hi there, hope all went well with your surgery. Did you find a protein drink you liked? How are you feeling now? I was surprised to read that your surgery was over 2 months ago. I'll check back to see if you update.