Friday, May 16, 2008

The Catch-22 of Insurance

I forgot about one thing that really irked me about the seminar.

We were given a sheet that listed standard prerequisites that each insurance carrier required before approving WLS. Some, of course, much longer than others. Although an annoyance, most of it I can understand but one:

Almost all said you have to be greater than 40 BMI (body mass index - which basically means how fat you are). If not, you had to have 2 of a long list of what they call 'co-morbidities'. That is basically a nice, medical term for 'shit that will kill you'.

Now, WHY in the world would you required someone to ALREADY have a fatal disease before approving a surgery that would most likely prevent said fatal disease from happening in the first place. Based on this rule, many people will have to wait around until they have a heart attack before they can get approved for a surgery that would most likely prevent a heart attack from even happening. That's some F-d up logic right there.

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